
By Marcellinus Elbert



Week 00

  1. Regex Explained
    This video is explaining and trying Regular Expresion.
  2. Vim Basics
    This video is very useful for intro to vim
  3. Bash Cheat Sheet
    This github repository is a cheat sheet for bash commands.

Week 01

  1. Create SSH Key for Github
    This link is an official walktrough from github for generating ssh key for
  2. Git Command Explained
    This link is explaining useful git command such as push, pull, fetch, clone, etc.

Week 02

  1. Mac Apple Sillicon Week02 Issue
    For those who are using Mac with Apple Silicon, please read this announcement due to an error on W02.
  2. What is GnuPG
    An explanation about GnuPG used in W02

Week 03

  1. Mount Definition
    This link is about definition of mounting in Linux
  2. Bash Aliases
    Bash aliases definition and example
  3. Linux Ownership
    This link is explaining about linux file ownership

Week 04

  1. Memory Adressing in C
    This link is about addressing system in C language
  2. Big and Little Endian in C
    This link is about big and little endian in C language

Week 05

  1. What is Kernel Panic?
    Explaining kernel panic in low memory boot
  2. Synchronous Exception
    Explaining synchronous exception in arm

Week 06

  1. What is Fork in Operating System?
    This website is explaining about Fork in OS
  2. Fork Example in C
    Example fork and exec in C

Week 07

  1. Secure Copy
    Explaining SCP command in linux
  2. Synchronization in Linux
    Explaining SYNC in Linux

Week 08

  1. Linux From Scratch
    This is the guidance book for building Linux From Scratch ##
  2. Scheduling
    Scheduling in os terms explained

Marcellinus Elbert - 2022